Message Alexa Boehler Message Alexa Boehler

A Dream: More Than the Weird Things You See in Your Sleep

Have you ever had a dream? Not the kind of dream you have in your sleep where you do weird things like forget to put your pants on before school or realize your on a date with the wrong guy. But a dream that's always there. A vision. A picture-like movie vividly in your mind. A message. 

A Dream

I believe we all have this kind of dream - a message to send us on a journey to fulfill our purpose. And once it's been discovered, it's the only thing you want to do. The only thing your meant to do. Or at least that's how its been for me.

Have you ever had a dream? Not the kind of dream you have in your sleep where you do weird things like forget to put your pants on before school or realize your on a date with the wrong guy. But a dream that's always there. A vision. A picture-like movie vividly in your mind. A message. 

A Dream

I believe we all have this kind of dream - a message to send us on a journey to fulfill our purpose. And once it's been discovered, it's the only thing you want to do. The only thing your meant to do. Or at least that's how its been for me.

By now, I have written several blogs explaining what Vulnerably Vibrant is, who it is for, and how movement and Revelation Wellness® plays an important role in our ministry. But I think it is time to share a little more about who I am - my story and dream for the Vulnerably Vibrant message.

Who is Alexa Kriss

I am a singer songwriter, a wellness professional, a child of the most high King and I am passionate about all three.


Most of you probably know me from music. That's why I am here. I have sung professionally for over 10 years and it's brought many amazing opportunities from performing on national television (let me know if you want to see that), touring the nation, working and recording with the best in the business, and getting to know absolutely outstanding people - like my husband, Max and his family - just to name a few.


I graduated from the University of Nebraska Kearney with a degree in Exercise Science Wellness and Nutrition. I developed a passion and awareness for holistic wellness young, as I navigated an experience through high school that shaped my education path and lead to an invitation to sprint for the University's varsity track team. Go Lopers! That whole story is blog of its own, but I can safely argue that track - and consequently movement - has shaped me more and is one of the most influential things of my life. 


So what about this dream? What's the message? Simply put - its my faith story. My testimony of God's transforming hand in my life.

You see, despite my intentional efforts to live well - overuse of my body caused a nagging knee injury which ended up bringing my track days to an early end. Incorrect use of my voice caused the dreaded development of vocal nodules and polyps and a fear that they might do the same to my music. Past wounds and corruptive thinking, well, they caused a daily struggle with anxiety. All of which is a complicated battle to this day. 

The Powerful Message

But the message is simple. Though I am weak, my Father is strong. He says "I am enough." And so I surrender and answer the call. And I discovered that my injuries, my wounds, my struggles, those things that make me most vulnerable - through grace - is what makes me most vibrant. 

And that is the dream. The message I am called to share. 

Partner with me by supporting Vulnerably Vibrant and sharing the message. What's your faith story? Tell us how you've experienced being vulnerably vibrant in the comments below. 

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Message Alexa Boehler Message Alexa Boehler

3 Kinds of People the Vulnerably Vibrant Community is For

A featherless baby bird, barely able to raise its tiny pink head, chirps as it awaits its next meal from mom. If you've ever seen a nestling of naked chicks, you know they are the ultimate representation of vulnerable. Now take a fledgling. A youngster just out of the nest. Still working on those flying skills, he stays close to mom for care and spends most of his time hopping around practicing life. A little less, but I would still say pretty vulnerable. Now look at momma bird. Fearlessly and faithfully caring for her helpless chicks, flying through the sky, finding food, staying with her flock, seemingly not a care in the world. 

Last post I wrote about the meaning of Vulnerably Vibrant - about the lamb and the wolves and the mighty Protector. And about the importance of being armed with vulnerability. But knowing all of that, it can still be quite intimidating to do without a family, a flock, a community. 

A featherless baby bird, barely able to raise its tiny pink head, chirps as it awaits its next meal from mom. If you've ever seen a naked nestling chick, you know they are the ultimate representation of vulnerable. Now take a fledgling. A youngster just out of the nest. Still working on those flying skills, he stays close to mom for care and spends most of his time hopping around practicing life. A little less, but I would still say pretty vulnerable. Now look at momma bird. Fearlessly and faithfully caring for her helpless chicks, flying through the sky, finding food, staying with her flock, seemingly not a care in the world. 

Last post I wrote about the meaning of Vulnerably Vibrant - about the lamb and the wolves and the mighty Protector. And about the importance of being armed with vulnerability. But knowing all of that, it can still be quite intimidating to do without a family, a flock, a community. 

Taking Flight


So that's what Vulnerably Vibrant is all about. Building a community to inspire others to embrace the ability to be vulnerable in order to live in vibrance. But more than that, its a family that serves those who are vulnerable - Webster's vulnerable - and helps them flip the coin and fly. 

The negativity often associated with vulnerability creates victims. But there are two sides to the vulnerable coin - the victim & the victor. Both vulnerable. Both very different outcomes. 

It's For Everyone

Ironically enough, the vulnerability that allows one to be a victim is exactly what empowers another to be a victor. In turn it's that vibrant vulnerability that can then reach out and bring someone else to victory. So who is the Vulnerably Vibrant community for?


Its for the victims. Those who are "lost, confused, beat down, misused, defeated" (straight from the song Stranger - I couldn't resist). Those who are under attack and alone. Its for anyone who needs a helping hand, an encouraging word, a friend to come along side them and shine a light in the darkness. Its for the nestling who needs nourishment, warmth, and a safe place to call home. 


Its for the victors. For those who've overcome. Who want to live in vibrance and reach out to others armed with their vulnerability. Its for those who have flipped the vulnerable coin and have taken flight. 

Everyone In Between

And its for everyone in between. Its for those who are on the journey. Its for the fledgling - those who are learning, and growing, and self-improving everyday. Those who need a flock, a community of inspiration and support. A place to serve and be served and have fun along the way. Vulnerably Vibrant is for everyone. 

Join the Flock

So I encourage you to join the community. Be armed with vulnerability and alive with vibrance. Spread the word and share your story - where are you at on your journey today? 

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Message Alexa Boehler Message Alexa Boehler

Why Vulnerably Vibrant Isn't an Oxymoron

Imagine. An innocent lamb surrounded by vicious wolves. Tormented day and night by their circling and snarling. No where to run or hide. Exposed and targeted. Prowling closer and closer toward the vulnerable lamb - until they...

Vulnerable. A quick search in Webster's Dictionary and you get the definition "capable of being physically or emotionally wounded; open to attack or damage." Not that looking this up convinced me, but thinking about that really doesn't make being vulnerable sound like something I want to be. Like A lamb surrounded by wolves. I don't think so.

Imagine. An innocent lamb surrounded by vicious wolves. Tormented day and night by their circling and snarling. No where to run or hide. Exposed and targeted. Prowling closer and closer toward the vulnerable lamb - until they...

Vulnerable. A quick search in Webster's Dictionary and you get the definition "capable of being physically or emotionally wounded; open to attack or damage." Not that looking this up convinced me, but thinking about that really doesn't make being vulnerable sound like something I want to be. Like A lamb surrounded by wolves. I don't think so.

The Big Lie

But what if I said that Webster lied - or at least didn't tell the whole story. What if there was a completely other side to vulnerability that's not disclosed in that definition. One that doesn't look like the poor lamb among wolves. But one that sends the wolves running.


A Reason Not an Excuse

Let me explain. The lamb is vulnerability. The wolves, well, they are things in the world that prey on it. 

The world can be such a harsh and cruel place. And for whatever reason whether it be a difficult childhood, ill treatment from a parent or peers, a traumatic life event, self insecurities, or even just misunderstanding, we learn to protect ourselves from the wolves. We learn to hide who we authentically are in an effort to avoid attack. We learn that being vulnerable is bad. In one sense, this is natural. A survival mechanism. But in the process we inadvertently hurt ourselves. We shut out all that has or could damage us and we end up damaging who we are as a human being, who we are as a person. Through our observation, education, or experience, the world has taught us that being who we are isn't safe.

BUT we were created for so much more than protective walls and never ending performances. We were created for authentic, vulnerable connection.

And that's why there has to be another side to vulnerable. 

The Mighty Protector

Personally, along my journey of faith and healing, I discovered that vulnerability was - and still is sometimes - my biggest fear. I think we all, at some point, can relate to that. I was constantly performing both on and off the stage, desperately trying to protect myself from life's wolves. However, the more I prayed and the more I grew, the more I realized a lamb is no match for a hungry wolf. And here's the kicker, it doesn't have to be. 

I realized I have a mighty Protector who created me to be authentically who I am even if that means to be vulnerable. A Protector more powerful and more perfect than I can even comprehend. No amount of my running or performing could protect me the way the great Shepherd protects His lamb. So I let Him.

And something beautiful happened.

I began to live - more vibrant than I'd ever lived before. I began to see myself and my circumstances in a different light. Slowly but surely I started to feel more safe being myself. I didn't feel powerless and drained, but full of energy and life. Full of His vibrance. 

It's Not an Oxymoron

And so now I know, it can be scary to allow yourself to be vulnerable - the world and its wolves do that to us, and I still have a long way to go. But I truly believe we are called to live vulnerably. Not the helplessly tormented lamb kind of vulnerable. But the kind of vulnerable that relies on the mighty Protector. The armed with vulnerability kind of vulnerable. And when we have the courage to do that we become vibrant. Vulnerably Vibrant. 

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